Dr. Armand Hausmann – Ihr Psychiater in Innsbruck
A case of delayed galactorrhoea as an adverse event of overlapping haloperidol and clozapine administration
Publikationen (Erstautor oder Mitautor) von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Armand Hausmann
Hyperprolactinaemia is seen during and after treat ment with classical antipsychotics such as haloperidol (Goodnick et al., 2002). Whereas in women, elevated values of prolactin have been associated with a variety of diverse side-effects including galactorrhoea, sexual dysfunction, breast engorgement, and long-term osteo porosis, hyperprolactinaemia in men leads to im potence, loss of libido, and hypospermatogenesis (Petty, 1999).
Autoren: Andreas Conca, Manfred Waler, Michaela Walpoth, Peter König, Armand Hausmann